#365AnnieDoodles Week 11: New Additions to the Shop and Deep Thoughts From a Menagerie of Creatures

Annie’s back in SF for a very brief stopover between trips in what is turning out to be a very busy month! But goddamnit she can’t stop, won’t stop doodling.

This cool collection keeps growing, and we just added a bunch more of these babies to our online shop: Check ‘em out, find your fave, and make it yours for $20ish bucks (yes, really!). And as always, follow for daily updates on Instagram and Pinterest


Let’s see how she’s been getting on.

ANNIE! How goes??

Well, last week Eric and I were in Florida visiting his family. I set up my portable art studio on Marilyn’s [my mother-in-law] kitchen table—which she let me use the whole time and didn’t make me move it once, which was nice.

We did a little roundup while you were away—looking back, were there any that stood out as particularly fun to make?

The weird finger poking the island from under the sea happened after a happier than usual happy hour. It’s so strange but I made myself put it up anyway even though it’s terrible and I didn’t like it.

Then the next day I was rewarded with inspiration for the girl in the bathing cap. Marilyn and I were talking about them and she said: “Oh, i used to wear one of those!” Then she pulled out a photo taken in 1952 from an old album where she’s sitting on a beach with her friends. I love the chin strap, and thought: “I’m going to paint a lady wearing one.” I think it’s my favorite that I’ve done all year.

How did you come up with the words: We Can Do Hard Things?

I’m always on the lookout for snippets of poetry or song lyrics or overheard things on the bus, which get scribbled in the notes app on my iPhone. The list just keeps growing, and that one jumped out at me as such a good fit. She looks like she’s ready to take something on.

How have the past seven days been on the creativity front?

It was a week of a lot of animals, actually, which culminated in the Pebra Zig. I was going to do something totally different but starting picking up the cut-out animals from my box of collage bits and realized that the little pig stood perfectly on the zebra, who is facing the viewer with a face like: “What the fuck is on my back?” I painted that phrase on top and it made me laugh all day.

And you’re off again traveling soon!

I’m going to Ireland in a couple days so I will be setting up my traveling art studio on my sisters kitchen table—but she will definitely make me clean it up every night. 

Doodle 71. A chicken I saw in Ybor City couple of days ago, and yes, he was crossing the road. #365anniedoodles

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Doodle 72. This is Annette. #365anniedoodles

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Doodle 73. You do you! #365anniedoodles

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Doodle 74. Oh look, another bird!#365anniedoodles

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Doodle 76. And not a single fuck was given that day. Sometimes I love my brain! #365anniedoodles

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